Thursday 23 July 2015

how low can you go?

Am feeling pretty low at the moment. Several reasons for it and more keep popping up and adding to it. I have an insect bit on my leg which is painful, and it's huge. About 3 inches x 3 inches. The bit itself is itchy and blistered. James reckons it's a spider bite. I've had it for about 4 days now.

The other thing is I've done something to my arm. The one with the metal plates in it. No idea what but it's so painful it's waking me up during the night. The last 2 nights I've been very close to going to the hospital to get it x-rayed. The trouble is, it's probably only a sprain so if I go to A&E they will think I'm wasting their time.

I've been feeling so poop with it all, I've not been on a run since the weekend and I really want to because I've got a route sorted.

So I'm feeling rough and today I'm feeling depressed. Mainly family oriented and to do with how little, people seem to give a poop. Already had my Christmas get together ideas shot down in a ball of flames. Doesn't help that then I look at lovely Mel's justgiving page which she set up a few weeks ago and she has got loads more raised than me in that short period and I have had mine set up for months. It's not a surprise but it still hurts that my family don't want to bother supporting me. They have not once said, 'good on you for trying to achieve a goal' or 'well done on that run, you did well' or liked a mapmyrun update on facebook, or looked at my blog or anything.

Not a good day today. I'm feeling sorry for myself, upset and angry. Hate days like these.

Sunday 19 July 2015

I have a plan, Stan.

I have a plan. I am going to up my distance by small amounts each run and at the same time think about my pace and stride. I was flying solo again today and noticed that I start off faster than I should.  So I get breathless really quick and can't regulate my breathing.  So I slowed my pace down, took longer strides and I could run further for longer without a break. 

I didn't listen to music because I am finding it is putting me off and I find it hard not to adjust my pace to the beat. I did have a tune in my head the entire way round though,  Let the River Run by Carly Simon.

Now its the summer holidays so my weekday morning runs are no more.  So I'm going to have to either do very early morning or after the hubby gets home from work.

I ran with MapMyRun! Distance: 6.29km, time: 52:35, pace: 8:22min/km, speed: 7.17km/h.

Dizzy with a side of headaches

On Friday  I went for a solo run. Both my Tuesday and Wednesday runs had been cancelled due to waiting in for a mechanic and kids being ill so I really wanted to get a good one in.

Oh dear. Whatever I did before I ran, was not right.  I couldn't find get my breath, I was dizzy and had blinding headaches that I had to stop and not complete my circuit.  Very disappointed.

I ran with MapMyRun! Distance: 4.00km, time: 37:00, pace: 9:15min/km, speed: 6.49km/h.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Sorry! Busy busy busy

Apologies for the delay in new posts. It seems that life has been mad. so, here is a catch up of my runs:

17/06/15 - 5.11 km
24/06/15 - 5.04 km
28/06/15 - 5.02 km (solo)
07/07/15 - 5.03 km

Going out on Sunday morning and hopefully will get a solo one in between now and then. Am going to start pushing the distance up each week. I've started incorporating some sprinting in to the runs, at the end. Also, I've been missing a trick. I usually start running, can't breath so take asthma pumps, then it takes a while for my chest to open up and I'm fine. However on the last run I took some ventolin before I started running and didn't get the usual problem.

Also, I've decided to do the Stockton River Rat Race next year. It's 10 km running, obstacles, swimming etc. m actually excited about it. Not terribly excited about the GNR though..